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Former UW-Parkside Flex CBE Instructor Gave A's for Little or No Work: Newspaper - Printable Version

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Former UW-Parkside Flex CBE Instructor Gave A's for Little or No Work: Newspaper - Jonathan Whatley - 09-26-2023

Quote:Students work at their own pace and take as many courses they want during a 12-week subscription period for a flat $2,250 fee. Instead of letter grades, they can pass the course (the equivalent of a B grade), pass with high distinction (the equivalent of an A grade), or fail with the option to retake.

UW-Parkside data show nearly half of Flex students fail on their first try, requiring them to re-take in another subscription period. Instructors are paid based on the number of students enrolled in the course per month. 

Just 18 students have graduated from 2019 through 2022, including at least one student who took [former instructor Sahar] Bahmani’s course without submitting all required assignments, the complaint said.

Bahmani painted a chaotic picture of the Flex program, with few faculty covering too many courses and students learning by watching YouTube videos. The UW System denied this. […]

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the accrediting body for UW-Parkside's business school, received a complaint about Bahmani and sent a "letter of concern" in June.

In an Aug. 1 report to accreditors, UW-Parkside admitted there was little oversight of the program but outlined corrective measures, such as more individuals involved in course assignments and quarterly report reviews.

A professor gave perfect grades to students who didn't deserve them, then landed a job at another UW campus (Kelly Meyerhofer, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, September 26, 2023)

RE: Former UW-Parkside Flex CBE Instructor Gave A's for Little or No Work: Newspaper - ss20ts - 09-26-2023

There are also professors in butts in seats programs who give high grades to students who don't show up or do any work also. I wouldn't say this is a CBE problem. It's a specific processor issue.

RE: Former UW-Parkside Flex CBE Instructor Gave A's for Little or No Work: Newspaper - davewill - 09-26-2023

Boy, she sure is tapdancing to deny any responsibility. A tenured professor does not have to babysat to be sure she does her job..

BTW, what's wrong with students learning things from videos? The fact they are on YouTube doesn't mean they are not useful content.

RE: Former UW-Parkside Flex CBE Instructor Gave A's for Little or No Work: Newspaper - bjcheung77 - 09-26-2023

It's a problem, I don't think the school has any control, but can intervene and get the professor to really look at each student individually. Who knows, what if the prof wants to look good and pass everyone... little work doesn't mean no work does it? From reading that portion, "few faculty covering too many courses", seems like they have too much on their hands... Bottom Line: Institutions need to step up for the students educational goals!

RE: Former UW-Parkside Flex CBE Instructor Gave A's for Little or No Work: Newspaper - GameSlinger - 09-26-2023

All three of the schools I have taken college credit at have used at least some YouTube videos in their online classes. Some do it more often than others. If the video conveys the proper information, use it. The discussions and other required readings plus the exams is what makes it about more than just watching the videos.

RE: Former UW-Parkside Flex CBE Instructor Gave A's for Little or No Work: Newspaper - berlinerd - 09-26-2023

Imagine caring about Youtube videos in middle-tier universities giving some chance for underprivileged people studying online instead of concentrating on real problems like crazy amount of sexual harassment in brick and mortars (like top tier law schools) where professors literally threat debt-overloaded students that they will be kicked out of law school if they won't sleep with the professor. Lol.

RE: Former UW-Parkside Flex CBE Instructor Gave A's for Little or No Work: Newspaper - LevelUP - 09-26-2023

Adjunct professors often face significant pressure to award high grades to students, which contributes to grade inflation.

(09-26-2023, 03:12 PM)berlinerd Wrote: Imagine caring about Youtube videos in middle-tier universities giving some chance for underprivileged people studying online instead of concentrating on real problems like crazy amount of sexual harassment in brick and mortars (like top tier law schools) where professors literally threat debt-overloaded students that they will be kicked out of law school if they won't sleep with the professor. Lol.

Many colleges have policies that prohibit professors from engaging in relationships with students, as such relationships can result in termination. These policies should also extend to friendships that involve meeting students outside the classroom, as they can create conflicts of interest.

RE: Former UW-Parkside Flex CBE Instructor Gave A's for Little or No Work: Newspaper - bjcheung77 - 09-26-2023

It's not common, but you hear things through the grapevines... it happens at all levels of education, stuff happens, people need to put a stop to it all as a group...