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The Best Life Advice Thread - natshar - 02-12-2019

I thought it would be cool to have a thread of just general advice from a diverse group of people on this thread. I'm sure we all come from different backgrounds and experience and have different advice to offer.

So here's what I'm thinking: on this thread just give us some advice on life (basically anything!)

Then if anyone needs advice, they can come to this thread and as well as succeeding at finishing their degree they will be succeeding at life as well.

RE: The Best Life Advice Thread - Sagan - 02-14-2019

Suffering comes from the difference in how we wish things were and how they really are.

I can control very few things. I can influence more. But for most things, I must learn to accept them.

Everybody gets the same 168 hours per week. What are you going to do with yours?

"All models are wrong, but some models are useful." G.E.P. Box

Worklife is a multarity. We rush to proportionately balance the things we want to do for a living, where we want to do it, and how much you want to earn doing it. Those proportions can change over time...and back again.

There is no "work/life balance." This is zero-sum thinking; that one must be sacrificed in favor of the other...and then back again. Actually, it's all one thing: life. Seek work/life integration instead, where work is play and play is work.

When you consult, sell, work, or do anything for a customer, one balances quality, price, and speed. The customer can articulate two of these; the third is a function of the first two. If you want it good and fast, it will cost more. If you want it fast and cheap, it won't be so good. Etc.

Give advice, but attach no strings. Advice is given, not lent. Do not expect people to accept and follow it.

RE: The Best Life Advice Thread - Hunter91 - 02-17-2019

Never send a message when in an overly emotional state. Once something is sent, it can't be unsent. Take a breath and calm yourself.

You can watch the drama unfold without becoming a part of it.

Don't gossip.

RE: The Best Life Advice Thread - 12save - 02-18-2019

Three pieces of advice:

1. Baking soda takes the vomit smell out of carpet.  Clean up as much as possible, put water on the "spot" and rub in A LOT of baking soda.  Let dry, then vacuum up.  Repeat if necessary.  (All parents with small children and carpet need to know this one).

2. Control is an illusion.

3. You can pay now or you can pay later.  In every area of life, it is always cheaper to pay now.

That's all I got.

RE: The Best Life Advice Thread - jsd - 02-18-2019

"If someone is nice to you but rude to the waiter, they are not a nice person." - Dave Berry.

RE: The Best Life Advice Thread - mysonx3 - 02-18-2019

Find out as soon as possible who your real friends are, not so you can stop investing yourself into other relationships and acquaintances, but so that when crisis comes you've already discerned who's going to be in your corner through thick and through thin.

RE: The Best Life Advice Thread - davewill - 02-18-2019

Feeling bad is never the solution to a problem, though it might get you off your butt. It'll be optimism and hard work that carry the day.

RE: The Best Life Advice Thread - natshar - 02-18-2019

-You probably won't regret taking an opportunity, but it is likely you will regret not taking an opportunity. When in doubt, take the opportunity.

-Step of your comfort zone.

-Don't let your past labels define you, you can do so much more than that.

-When things don't go as planned, embrace it because that is usually when the best memories happen.

RE: The Best Life Advice Thread - a4tunatemom - 02-18-2019

You don't have to attend every argument you're invited to