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New TESU evaluation and Shmoop equivalencies
Hello, all.  I’ve applied to TESU and just gotten my Academic Evaluation. 

The bad news is the 60 credits I earned in the late 80s did not come in at all – it turns out the technical college I studied at wasn’t regionally accredited at that time.  The good news is that I only have about 34 credits left to go after earning 86 usable credits in the last 6 months or so.  Some of these were from SNHU College for America, which are all listed as grades of ‘A’ on my evaluation. A nice surprise – CfA transcribes the grade as MA (mastery).  The rest are all ACE credits.

My planning spreadsheet is attached if anyone in the community has time to review it for me and see if I need to request any reviews, appeals, or ask to have courses moved.  They all look fine to me, and I think I can complete the requirements in the next few months.

I’d love to find an ‘Easy’ math course to meet the quantitative literacy requirement.  Does anyone know if the Business Math course qualifies?  It’s only 68 quizzes, and it’s all applied math, which makes a lot more sense to me than other more abstract maths. 

I can also share information about some of the new Shmoop course, including another very pleasant surprise.  The Shmoop Professional Writing course came in as upper level!  I found this to be a pretty easy course – and trust me, I struggled a bit with a few of the Shmoop courses.  It’s listed as “ENG-306 Inter. Tech. Wrtg. & Prof. Wt.”

Some others I don’t remember seeing anyone else post transfer results on yet:

• Shmoop Professional Writing:  ENG-306 Inter. Tech. Wrtg. & Prof. Wt.

• Shmoop Classical Literature:  LIT-299 Special Topics in Literature

• Shmoop History of Technology: HIS-299 Special Topics in History 

• Shmoop Media Literacy: LIT-299 Special Topics in Literature

• Shmoop Journalism 101: JOU-100 Intro to Journalism

One other thing – My History 108: History of the Vietnam War class came in as Upper Level.  I know this was supposed to change, but I theorize that since I completed the class and submitted my application before December 31 I still get it as UL? Can anyone who’s spoken to TESU confirm that this is the case? If so, I only need one more UL class!       

Thanks for all the great information and motivation to finish my degree! Long time lurker, first time poster!

.xls   JWS BALS TESU.xls (Size: 84 KB / Downloads: 67)
TESU: BALS Capstone
SNHU CfA: Intro to Ethics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Argumentation & Communication, Intro to Mass Communications, Intro to Philosophy, World Lit I, Environmental Science, Business Communication, Principles of Management, Online Success, Skills for Business 
CLEP: Eng Comp Effective Teams, Managing Conflict, Ancient Greek Philosophers Personal Finance, Presentation Skills, Info Literacy, Intro to Computing, Earth Science, A History of Vietnam War, Intro to Political Science, American Government, Database Management, Info Systems, Physical Geology
CSM Learn: The CSM Course
TEEX: Cybersecurity 101 
Shmoop: History of Technology, Human Sexuality, U.S. History I & II, Classical Lit, The Bible as Lit, Psychology 101, Shakespeare's Plays, Professional Writing, Media Literacy, Journalism 101, Lit in the Media, Intro to E-Commerce
The Institutes: Ethics
TECEP: Computer Concepts and Applications
ALEKS: College Algebra
[-] The following 1 user Likes badooble's post:
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I would take the time to finish off the FREE courses, since you got credit for one TEEX, you can finish the rest for the free electives.
If you're missing one more UL and since you're familiar with Shmoop, continue with one of their other English/Lit UL courses.
I would also use other courses offered by Shmoop to get the remainder of your general education requirements.
I copied the info from a previous post, you can take ones you've not taken to round out the final 3 UL credits.

SHMO0020 Holocaust in Literature - ENG301 The Holocaust
SCHO0027 The Bible as Literature - LIT242 Biblical Literature I
SCHO0022 Literature in the Media - LIT430 Literature and the Media
SHMO0023 Modernist Literature - LIT399 Special Topics
SHMO0019 Drugs in Literature - LIT 299
SHMO0025 Shakespeare's Plays - LIT320 Shakespeare I
SHMO0028 Women's Literature - LIT323 Women in Literature Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

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~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
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[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes bjcheung77's post:
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I think the easiest math courses might be the following:

Shmoop - Finite Math - just in case you're already taking a Shmoop course, can't hurt to try
TECEP - Applied Liberal Arts math - definitely easy -MAT 97: Math for Everyday Life (MAT-105)

UL courses that should come into the BALS from some different providers (off the top of my head):
CJ305: The Juvenile Justice System (UL through ACE, get it preapproved before you take it)
HIS306: The American Civil War Era (HIS-450)
PSY312: History & Systems of Psychology (UL through ACE, get it preapproved before you take it)

BUS210: Corporate Comm (get preapproved)
BUS303: Strategic Info Tech (CIS-301)

Money & Banking (ECO-322)
Substance Abuse (SOS-303)
History of the Soviet Union (HIS-386)
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity (CIS-344)

Org Behavior (MAN-311, comes in as a Psych course for non-business majors)
Business Comm (COM-300)
Microbiology (BIO-351)
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
[-] The following 1 user Likes dfrecore's post:
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Thanks to both of you.  I'll keep plugging away and using you advice. The Math 97 option from looks like a good choice for me.  

One class I won't be getting credit for is Holocaust in Literature.  I managed to hopelessly, irrevocably FAIL it as as part of my December/January obsession to pass as many Shmoop courses as possible. In fact, my retakes on that course were lower than my first attempts!   

No regrets, there are plenty of other UL options and I managed to pass all of these between 12/14 and 01/10:

Literature in the Media 
Journalism 101 
Media Literacy 
Professional Writing 
Shakespeare's Plays 
Psychology 101 
The Bible as Literature 
Classical Literature 
U.S. History: 1492 - 1877 
U.S. History: 1877 - Present 
History of Technology 
Human Sexuality 

There are more I'd like to take, but I'm actually very tired of Shmoop at the moment.  Smile  Hard to beat the price if you can power through the courses, though.

Thanks again for all the helpful advice!
TESU: BALS Capstone
SNHU CfA: Intro to Ethics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Argumentation & Communication, Intro to Mass Communications, Intro to Philosophy, World Lit I, Environmental Science, Business Communication, Principles of Management, Online Success, Skills for Business 
CLEP: Eng Comp Effective Teams, Managing Conflict, Ancient Greek Philosophers Personal Finance, Presentation Skills, Info Literacy, Intro to Computing, Earth Science, A History of Vietnam War, Intro to Political Science, American Government, Database Management, Info Systems, Physical Geology
CSM Learn: The CSM Course
TEEX: Cybersecurity 101 
Shmoop: History of Technology, Human Sexuality, U.S. History I & II, Classical Lit, The Bible as Lit, Psychology 101, Shakespeare's Plays, Professional Writing, Media Literacy, Journalism 101, Lit in the Media, Intro to E-Commerce
The Institutes: Ethics
TECEP: Computer Concepts and Applications
ALEKS: College Algebra
Wow, that is 12 courses in 1 month! Way to go, congratulations!
Thank you!  This forum has been such a brilliant source for information and motivation.
TESU: BALS Capstone
SNHU CfA: Intro to Ethics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Argumentation & Communication, Intro to Mass Communications, Intro to Philosophy, World Lit I, Environmental Science, Business Communication, Principles of Management, Online Success, Skills for Business 
CLEP: Eng Comp Effective Teams, Managing Conflict, Ancient Greek Philosophers Personal Finance, Presentation Skills, Info Literacy, Intro to Computing, Earth Science, A History of Vietnam War, Intro to Political Science, American Government, Database Management, Info Systems, Physical Geology
CSM Learn: The CSM Course
TEEX: Cybersecurity 101 
Shmoop: History of Technology, Human Sexuality, U.S. History I & II, Classical Lit, The Bible as Lit, Psychology 101, Shakespeare's Plays, Professional Writing, Media Literacy, Journalism 101, Lit in the Media, Intro to E-Commerce
The Institutes: Ethics
TECEP: Computer Concepts and Applications
ALEKS: College Algebra
Our son is interested in taking literature in the media, journalism 101 and History of Technology. Did you like them? Were they straightforward? Lengthy with broken links? Mostly text or videos? Difficult? Thanks.
(01-19-2018, 08:17 AM)homeschoolmom1 Wrote: Our son is interested in taking literature in the media, journalism 101 and History of Technology. Did you like them? Were they straightforward? Lengthy with broken links? Mostly text or videos? Difficult? Thanks.

I liked the lit media course and I thought it was pretty straight forward.  Not nearly as many broken links as Holocaust Lit, so that was definitely a plus.  No experience with the other two courses though.
Journalism 101 and History of Technology are both fairly short, straightforward classes as I recall.  Lit in Media was a bit more of a slog.  Professional Writing is another one I found to be pretty easy.  
TESU: BALS Capstone
SNHU CfA: Intro to Ethics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Argumentation & Communication, Intro to Mass Communications, Intro to Philosophy, World Lit I, Environmental Science, Business Communication, Principles of Management, Online Success, Skills for Business 
CLEP: Eng Comp Effective Teams, Managing Conflict, Ancient Greek Philosophers Personal Finance, Presentation Skills, Info Literacy, Intro to Computing, Earth Science, A History of Vietnam War, Intro to Political Science, American Government, Database Management, Info Systems, Physical Geology
CSM Learn: The CSM Course
TEEX: Cybersecurity 101 
Shmoop: History of Technology, Human Sexuality, U.S. History I & II, Classical Lit, The Bible as Lit, Psychology 101, Shakespeare's Plays, Professional Writing, Media Literacy, Journalism 101, Lit in the Media, Intro to E-Commerce
The Institutes: Ethics
TECEP: Computer Concepts and Applications
ALEKS: College Algebra
Thanks a lot. Do you have to submit anything written for grading for the Professional writing one? Or is it all multiple choice?

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