Your Location: Texas and Netherlands
Your Age: 25ish
What kind of degree do you want?: Bachelor in CLS - I am also wanting maximize TESU by getting categorial certificates and a different major such Health Studies, Professional Studies, Biology, Business, Communication, or Anthropology
*I want the extra degrees and/or certificates to maximize my time at TESU.
Current Regional Accredited Credits: About 70 (no upper past freshman and sophmore)
Community College:
Associates in Medical Laboratory Technology (AAS)
College Algebra - 3
Freshman English I & II - 6
Human A & P I and II - 8
Microbiology - 4
US History 1 & 2 - 6
Intro to Communications - 3
Art History or Art Survey (sorry cannot recall which but an arts class) - 3
Intro to Chemistry (non-science major) - 4
Medical Terminology - 3
US Government - 3
Texas Government - 3
General Psychology - 3
General Sociology - 3
MLT courses:
Blood Bank w Lab- 3-4 credits (TESU gave me four but my school was 3)
Medical Microbiology w Lab - 4
Clinical Chemistry w Lab- 4
Coagulation w Lab - 3
Clinical Hematology w Lab - 3-4 credits (same)
Courses Needed:
General Chemistry I and II - 8 hours
Statistics - 3/4 credits
Organic Chemistry I & II - 8 hours
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: None, sorry. I am still learning all of this.
Any certifications or military experience?: AMT MLT certification, working on ASCP MLT certification.
Budget: Up to $20,000 in the next two to three years
Commitments: Remote work at 30 hours a week. I currently travel between the Netherland and Texas every six months or so. Remote work is necessary.
Dedicated time to study: 3-12 hours weekly
Timeline: Two to three years
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: I am paying out of pocket but I get about $5000 yearly reimbursement.
This is just a suggestion, but it can make people giving advice have to ask less questions. If it helps people here's a quick form that can help provide quick information:
I am wanting to maximize TESU for credits and categorical certificates if possible.
I received my welcome email from Chelsey Parker at UMPI on 2/6/25. All my transcripts have been evaluated and I can see all of that in my UMPI account. I have tried several times to schedule a call with Chelsey to no avail. But I actually don't even know if I need to talk with her. I need to talk with an advisor.
In my account under "Advisor" it says "none assigned". How do I get an advisor assigned to me?
I really need to discuss my degree plan and register for the Spring semester.
Also, I wanted to talk with the advisor about taking courses on Sophia learning and transferring those to UMPI. I didn't begin Sophia until after I had my other transcripts accepted by UMPI because I needed to see what requirements I would have remaining to fulfill in Gen Ed. I wanted to wait until I spoke with my advisor before beginning Sophia in order to explain my plan and make sure they were ok with it. But I want to take the Sophia courses before beginning the Spring term with UMPI. So I went ahead and began to take the courses.
UMPI accepted 79 transfer credits.
Here are the remaining Gen Ed credits needed and the Sophia Courses I plan to take to fulfill them:
2D Visual Communications (completed)
3A Intro to College Math (completed)
3B Statistics ***Do I need to take another Math course or can Intro to College Math fulfill both 3A and 3B?***
3D Chemistry ***I already have Bio with a lab so Chemistry without a lab should fulfill this requirement, right?***
30 credits remaining which will need to be fulfilled at UMPI:
21 credits in History ***I have fulfilled all of the basic LL History credits and 3 credits of UL History***
9 credits in Electives
(I’m sorry if any of this isn’t formatted correctly, I’m new to this forum, but I did some research and tried to format it appropriately.)
I'm nearly finished with an AAS (Associate of Applied Science) degree in Accounting from a local community college, so most of my credits are from low level accounting and business courses.
In hindsight I should have gone for the Associate of Arts, since the accounting classes I've taken aren't so transfer friendly, which I didn't realize at the time. Regardless, Ideally I would love to have my entire Associates degree transfer, and take advantage of the remaining transfer credits some colleges allow by taking classes from Sophia or or something similar to max out the transfer credit maximum of the college that would take my credits. Or not, if someone has a better plan! I really don’t know what the best option is. I'm a little lost and worried that all my hard work might not have gotten me as far as I thought.
I’ve been looking at Excelsior University, because they have a generous transfer policy, but it’s hard to figure out what will apply towards my degree and what exactly I would still need. They require 30 high level courses that I don’t have, and they seem reluctant to give advice until I’ve applied and enrolled.
Like others, I’m looking for the fastest, cheapest way to get my BA, while being able to use the credits I have from the community college. I would also like to leave the option open to eventually get a Masters in Accounting or business, because I need extra credits anyway in order to sit for the CPA exam, and it would be nice to have.
Your Location: Chicago, Illinois Your Age: 23 What kind of degree do you want?: First choice: BA in Accounting Second choice: BA in business Third choice: BA of liberal arts
Current Regional Accredited Credits: (# of credits in parentheses)
ACC 153Prin Financial ACC (4)
ACC 154Prin Managerial Acct (4)
ACC 170Payroll Tax Account (1)
ACC 180Accounting with Microsoft Excel (3)
ACC 183QuickBooks online Certi Pre (3)
ACC 188Cloud Accounting (2)
ACC 241Intermediate Accounting (4)
ACC 244Income tax accounting (3)
ACC 255Careers In Accounting (2)
ANT 102Intr Soc & Cult Ant (3)
BUS 101Intro To Business (3)
EGL 101Composition I (3)
EGL 111Int Bus and tech Writ (3)
HUM 165Intro to World Music (3)
MAT 111Business/Consumer Math (4)
MGT 276Corporate Social Responsibility and Decision Making (3)
SOC 103Social Problems (3)
BUS 221Business Law I (3)
ECO 201Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
MGT 118Effective Management Communications (3)
ECO 202Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ACC 280 Data Analytics for Accounting (3)
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: None Any certifications or military experience?: No Budget: I'd like to go the cheapest route possible, but will consider spending more for easy and fast. Commitments: Spouse and kids- no day job. Dedicated time to study: I do school work in the evening/ night, and on weekends. Timeline: I’m hoping for under 6 months to get my BA and under 2 years if I go for a masters. Really as fast as possible, but I also can’t do more than 5 hours a day of school work. I’ve been pretty successful at it so far but it’s hard to commit to a serious schedule with small children. Tuition assistance/reimbursement: None
Notes: -I’m comfortable with proctored tests but prefer unprotected. I love and do well working at my own pace without live classes like zoom. -My GPA is currently 4.0 but might be a little lower after this semester.
I'm not sure about a Mexican university called Multiversdad Mundo Real Edgar Morin, is it legit? In the website appears that they have RVOE (I understand that is a kind of accreditation), Apostille and US credential evaluation by California University FCE. Do you know something about that? I'm interested in one of his programs, but I'm not sure if this is legit or worth it. The only ranking that I found it that university is AD Scientific Index.
So did anyone attend a Woolf University degree ?
I am interested in the gomycode Woolf Computer Science Masters degree and it seems like it's Malta accredited and some kind of EU accreditation too ?
are they legit ? or scams ?
I'm deciding between three degrees, and I'm curious whether you've found any difference in career prestige between BA and BS degrees?
For context, here's what I'm deciding between:
Bachelor of Arts Business Administration - Marketing
Bachelor of Science - Marketing
Bachelor of Science - Business Administration
My thoughts:
Maybe UMPI's BABA-Marketing because it's got both Business Administration and Marketing in the title, win/win! But maybe Bachelor of Arts isn't competitive in tech markets because technology leans analytical/scientific?
Maybe WGU's BS-Marketing or their BS-Business Administration, because Bachelor of Science degrees lean technical?
Maybe BS because I'm in the San Francisco tech market? But maybe no one cares about the designation as much as they care about the degree topic and professional experience.
Would love to hear your thoughts on the difference in career value for a BA vs a BS in tech.
Hello Everyone,
I am planning on going to UMPI for my undergrad and I would like some help with the degree plan that I formatted. The degree plan is linked below.
1) I need 60 graded credits(for law school) I would like to know know what credits would be easiest to take at UMPI to acheive the goal.
2) Also do I have enough electives?
3) Are my GEC's okay?
4) For the pre-law minor, what if I have duplicate courses in my GEC?