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  Universidad del Itsmo - Panama online university
Posted by: Avidreader - Yesterday, 01:23 AM - Forum: General "Big 3", B&M colleges, and other colleges - No Replies

Here is yet another fully accredited Latin American university that accepts foreign students that offers a wide variety of online degrees and a few certificates. All degrees in this school are in Spanish.
Panama's currency is the USD, which makes their degrees pricier than other countries, but they have several degrees that I haven't seen elsewhere so far.

List of degrees:


Business Administration
IT Systems
Finance Administration
Airline Service (focused on being an Airplane flight attendant)
Customs Management


Maritime Business Administration
Business administration
Marketing and Publicity
Finance Administration
Risk and Insurance Management
Social Communications
Law and Political Science
Systems Administration (Computer science)


Business Management Emphasis Human Resources and Talent
MBA emphasis Banking and International Finance
Education with Research Emphasis
Education with School Administration Emphasis
Logistics and Maritime Management
Maritime Law
Health Auditing
Corporative Business Law
Hospital Business Management
Digital Marketing
Business Management with Project Management Emphasis
Business Management with High Management Emphasis
Business Administration with Agricultural Companies


Education with Research Emphasis
Business Administration

I can't find an exact cost for the degrees, but it seems like you pay as you go by trimester or by subject. Each month costs around 100 USD. You can take minimum 3 courses per trimester and maximum 6. They seem adamant regarding admission for international students to have all prior degrees translated to Spanish and have a La Haya Apostillate. I am unsure if a student can accelerate the degrees (wording seems to hint it might be possible but it would be best to get confirmation from the school).
It seems like their associates degrees cost around 2000 usd and bachelors 4000 USD, but if they allow credits from prior degrees, the price and speed to get the degrees might accelerate since they have a few Gen Eds courses in the first trimester.

They also have several certificate programs in courses like:

Storytelling and Branding cert (seems aimed at Market Branding)
Social Media Management
Business Analytics
Marketing Analytics
Inbound Marketing
Facilitator Formation
Social Media Applied to Tourism
Web Analytics
Statistics for Decision Making
Project Management
Direct Ability Development
Sports Facility Management 
Administration of Garment and Fashion Marketing
Advertising Analytics
Growth Hacking
Design, Communication, Fashion Design
Mobile Marketing
Big Data
Professional Voiceover (doesn't seem to specify if certification is for voice acting or voice recording for commercials)
Human Resources Management
Business Management
Community Management
Business Innovation
SEO Search Engine
Startup Incubation

It seems like most certificates cost 1500 usd. There is also an Excel course.

Some degrees sich as the Flight Attendant Associates degree requires a short internship where the student practices their skills in a real airline for around 15-30 hours a week, to bear this in mind for international applicants. International students will likely have to find an airline in their country that accepts as an intern.

Official website:


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  Eastern Gateway Community College (EGCC) closing. Anyone affected?
Posted by: wow - 07-25-2024, 12:32 PM - Forum: General "Big 3", B&M colleges, and other colleges - Replies (9)

Apologies if this was posted during my hiatus from the board. I did a search both here and with a couple external search engines and didn't see anything, so I'm posting it now:

This has been a struggle for some families who were working towards associate's degrees through the labor unions' free college programs. Once the free college programs ended, the per credit tuition at EGCC made continuing super expensive. The college is closing completely, so ... Some family members have thrown their hands in the air, some were only one or two classes short of a degree and are looking to transfer to an Ohio college to complete the degree online. But it looks like the options even within Ohio are limited, and very expensive for out-of-state (except maybe Washington State College of Ohio? $170/credit in-state and $171/credit out-of state). Pierpont Is an option for the ones that don't already have associates or bachelors degrees, but some do and were working toward additional specialized associates degrees in a specific career field.

Just curious if anyone on this board has been affected and if they have tried completing their degree elsewhere (other than Pierpont).

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  UoP Health Science--anything similar out there?
Posted by: wow - 07-25-2024, 10:18 AM - Forum: General "Big 3", B&M colleges, and other colleges - Replies (5)

For years on and off I have considered pursuing the University of People Health Science bachelors degree. This would really be more of an icing on the cake degree and not something that I need for my career. I would be able to transfer in 90, or close to 90, of the required credits. The thing that always holds me back is the internship requirement. I am mid/late career (old for an intern) and have worked in Health Science related fields (health education), so it's really hard to imagine being able to acquire a free internship--I would be considered overqualified (ethical organizations do not use interns to do the work that paid staff should be doing ). Also, the internship requires 15 to 30 hours a week of work-- it must be 270 hours total and cannot be spread out over more than two terms--which would be hard to manage with my schedule. (I can study that much a week, but an internship would require me to be at a certain place at certain times, presumably.) I could get paid work but as I understand it, that's against the rules of the internship.

I have looked at some competency-based health science degrees, but they seem to be geared toward (or even require students to be) nurses, paramedics, and X ray technicians.

Well, I don't need this degree, so maybe I should give up the fantasy. Alternatively, I could settle for a health science associates degree from University of the People, which doesn't require an internship.


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  Free Doctor of Theology
Posted by: TINASAM - 07-25-2024, 09:53 AM - Forum: Free Courses and Certificates and Good Deals - Replies (4)

Don't shoot the messenger, but I just received this for some reason:


Our partner school, Columbia Divinity, would like to offer you admission into the Doctor of Theology program. This program is self-paced, and can be completed online. 

Since this new program has been launched, we are offering you admission into that program at zero cost. You will receive a digital diploma upon graduation. 

If you are interested, go to columbiadivinity.org, and click "Apply Now". Send your information to their admissions team and wait for an acceptance e-mail. 

When you receive the acceptance e-mail, create an account in the student portal, and navigate to the Doctor of Theology learning module. It will prompt you to pay the $30 registration fee. Queens College of Theology is paying for your admission fee. Use discount code QCTPartner at checkout. 

Good luck to your studies, and I hope you do great things for Christ with this free opportunity. 

Roy Brown
Queens College of Theology 

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  Study.com Genetics 101 vs Biology 102: Basic Genetics
Posted by: wow - 07-25-2024, 09:51 AM - Forum: Saylor.org, Straighterline, Study.com, OnlineDegree.com, Sophia.Org Discussion - Replies (3)

Has anyone taking these courses? Is there any difference between the two? Given the breadth of people who may have taken these courses on this forum and the various places they may have tried to transfer them to, I'm wondering if they generally transfer to the same way.

My nephew doesn't know yet where he's going to attend so I can't give specifics on that. But I'm wondering if one of these courses is generally more "advanced" or detailed than the other, or if they both usually just transfer as a biology credit in genetics.

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  Musings on the Terms "Woke" and "DEI" as applied to Vice President Kamala Harris
Posted by: Charles Fout - 07-25-2024, 07:32 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (3)

As previously stated, to me "DEI" is simply what we used to call Equal Opportunity. For years I've seen people referred to as the "Equal Opportunity" selection. It was wrong. Just as it's wrong to refer to the Vice President as the "DEI Candidate.' I think it's wrong to try to hurl "DEI" as an insult. Really how can Diversity, Equity, and  Inclusion not be a good thing?

"Woke" is not a new term. For decades black Americans have used the term to recognize those who are aware of racial prejudice and injustice. The term has apparently been adopted by otherers. I do not understand why people hurl the term "woke" as an insult. We should all be alert to racial prejudice and injustice!

lorida Democratic Rep. Maxwell Frost said on Tuesday that calling Vice President Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, a "DEI hire" was like using a "racial slur."


I agree with Congressman Frost on this issue. It's just not productive to make up these racist dog whistles. It should be simply enough to address every crazy liberal/globalist policy she has supported.

That said, I consider myself a conductor on the Trump Train. Please join me in this plea for UNITY, as we speed toward prosperity and Making America Great Agan. Heart Heart Big Grin

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  2U, the OPM That Includes edX, Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Posted by: Jonathan Whatley - 07-25-2024, 06:04 AM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion - Replies (6)

2U, Owner of edX Online Courses, Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy (Jonathan Randles and Janine Phakdeetham, Bloomberg, July 25, 2024)

Posted shortly prior to that news: OPM Watch: What Happens if Online Giant 2U Goes Under? (Jeremy Bauer-Wolf, New America [think tank], July 24, 2024)

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  Question about TESC credits
Posted by: robertturner - 07-25-2024, 03:09 AM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion - No Replies

I'm happy when joining this forum. I have a question. Do TESC allow you to splip credits? For example, I need only 4 more credits in Humanities, and I take English Lit for 7 credits. 
Will they accept the situation most beneficial to me and use 3 credits for Humanities and tack the other 3 onto Free Electives?

Any advice? Thanks in advance!

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Posted by: predetaron - 07-25-2024, 02:57 AM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice - Replies (4)

Hello I graduated from university in Cyrpus on Economics back to 2018. Years later, I have decided to do a MBA or Master degree ( if possible IN OIL AND GAS MANAGEMENT if not regular MBA  programme is ok) currently i am working in oil sector ( they dont pay high) so it has to be fully online. Curretly I am living in Turkey so i need Europe accredieted University. Between 2018-2022 i lived in USA and had resident permit(its expired but active SSN if it needs) if there is a place both EU and US accredited in USA. 

So since two weeks, I am checking forum and had some ideas that option could be, 

ENEB Which is says $8k it is really high amount that i can not afford. 
Upeople is about $400 for course , around $5k total ? 
Hellenic American University in forum some says its $3k but i did not be able to find that price on their website and that price might be for US citizens.

I really dont know what to do, I will be gratefull for any more school advices specially for legit ones. thx

Note: I wish i knew this website years before bec. this place is a gem.

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  Choosing UMPI vs Study.com
Posted by: Ljanelle - 07-25-2024, 12:33 AM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion - Replies (7)

I just got accepted to start UMPI in September!!  I've decided to go for the Business Administration degree with the Managment & Leadership concentration.  

This forum has helped me so much!!!  Thank you all.

I'm finishing up a couple required sophia classes this week.  And I've earmarked the 6 classes that I will definitely need to take at UMPI (including 3 that count to the MOAL if I pursue that later).

But the following 7 classes that could be taken at either UMPI or Study.com.   I have no experience with Study.com classes.  Should I use the month of August to knock out a few of these at study.com?  Would they be easier/faster than taking them through UMPI?   Note: I will need to take 4 of these at UMPI - are any of them really easy through UMPI?   

Any advice would be really appreciated!!

  • BUS 220: Managerial Accounting -vs- Study.com Accounting 301: Applied Managerial Accounting
  • BUS 244: Management Information Systems -vs- Study.com Business 303: Management Information Systems
  • BUS 240: Change Management -vs- Study.com Business 304: Leading Organizational Change
  • BUS 260: Leadership -vs- Study.com Business 209: Mentoring & Leadership Development in the Workplace
  • BUS 321: Human Resource Management -vs- Study.com Business 306: Strategic Human Resources Management
  • BUS 330: Marketing Management -vs- Study.com Business 309: Digital Marketing & Advertising
  • BUS 415: Operations Management -vs- Study.com Business 312: Advanced Operations Management
Thanks again - this community rocks!!

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